Source code for DeformationModules.LocalConstrainedTranslations

import torch
import math

from pykeops.torch import Genred, KernelSolve

from imodal.DeformationModules.Abstract import DeformationModule, create_deformation_module_with_backends
from imodal.Kernels.kernels import K_xy, K_xx
from imodal.Manifolds import Landmarks
from imodal.StructuredFields import StructuredField_0

[docs]class LocalConstrainedTranslationsBase(DeformationModule): """Module generating sum of constrained translations.""" def __init__(self, manifold, sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff, label): assert isinstance(manifold, Landmarks) super().__init__(label) self.__manifold = manifold self.__sigma = sigma self.__descstr = descstr self.__controls = torch.zeros(1).view([]) self.__coeff = coeff self._f_support = f_support self._f_vectors = f_vectors def __str__(self): outstr = "Local constrained translation module\n" if self.label: outstr += " Label=" + self.label + "\n" outstr += " Type=" + self.descstr + "\n" outstr += " Sigma=" + str(self.__sigma) + "\n" outstr += " Coeff=" + str(self.__coeff) return outstr
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, dim, nb_pts, sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff=1., gd=None, tan=None, cotan=None, label=None): return cls(Landmarks(dim, nb_pts, gd=gd, tan=tan, cotan=cotan), sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff, label)
[docs] def to_(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__manifold.to_(*args, **kwargs) self.__controls =*args, **kwargs)
@property def descstr(self): """Description string. Used by __str__().""" return self.__descstr @property def coeff(self): return self.__coeff @property def device(self): return self.__manifold.device @property def manifold(self): return self.__manifold @property def dim(self): return self.__manifold.dim @property def sigma(self): return self.__sigma def __get_controls(self): return self.__controls
[docs] def fill_controls(self, controls): self.__controls = controls
controls = property(__get_controls, fill_controls)
[docs] def fill_controls_zero(self): self.__controls = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
[docs] def __call__(self, points, k=0): return self.field_generator()(points, k)
[docs] def cost(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def compute_geodesic_control(self, man): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def field_generator(self): support = self._f_support( vectors = self._f_vectors( return StructuredField_0(support, self.__controls*vectors, self.__sigma, device=self.device, backend=self.backend)
[docs] def adjoint(self, manifold): return manifold.cot_to_vs(self.__sigma, backend=self.backend)
class LocalConstrainedTranslations_Torch(LocalConstrainedTranslationsBase): def __init__(self, manifold, sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff, label): super().__init__(manifold, sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff, label) @property def backend(self): return 'torch' def cost(self): support = self._f_support( vectors = self._f_vectors( K_q = K_xx(support, self.sigma) m =, vectors) return 0.5 * self.coeff *, vectors.flatten()).view([]) * self.controls * self.controls def compute_geodesic_control(self, man): support = self._f_support( vectors = self._f_vectors( # vector field for control = 1 v = StructuredField_0(support, vectors, self.sigma, device=self.device, backend='torch') K_q = K_xx(support, self.sigma) m =, vectors) co = self.coeff *, vectors.flatten()) self.controls = man.inner_prod_field(v)/co class LocalConstrainedTranslations_KeOps(LocalConstrainedTranslationsBase): def __init__(self, manifold, sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff, label): super().__init__(manifold, sigma, descstr, f_support, f_vectors, coeff, label) @property def backend(self): return 'keops' def cost(self): raise NotImplementedError() def compute_geodesic_control(self, man): raise NotImplementedError() LocalConstrainedTranslations = create_deformation_module_with_backends(,
[docs]def LocalScaling(dim, sigma, coeff=1., gd=None, tan=None, cotan=None, label=None, backend=None): """ Generates a local scaling deformation module. Local scaling is approximated by a local constrained translation deformation module with 3 vectors around the scaling center, pointing inwards. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension of the ambiant space the deformation module will live on. sigma : float Kernel size of the underlying vector space coeff : float Coefficient of the deformation module gd : torch.Tensor Geometrical descriptor of the deformation module i.e. the scale centers tan : torch.Tensor Tangent tensor cotan : torch.Tensor Cotangent tensor label : Optional identifier """ def f_vectors(gd): return torch.tensor([[math.cos(2.*math.pi/3.*i), math.sin(2.*math.pi/3.*i)] for i in range(3)], device=gd.device, dtype=gd.dtype) def f_support(gd): return gd.repeat(3, 1) + sigma/3. * f_vectors(gd) return LocalConstrainedTranslations(dim, 1, sigma, "Local scaling", f_support, f_vectors, coeff=coeff, gd=gd, tan=tan, cotan=cotan, label=label, backend=backend)
[docs]def LocalRotation(dim, sigma, coeff=1., gd=None, tan=None, cotan=None, label=None, backend=None): """ Generates a local rotation deformation module. Local roation is approximated by a local constrained translation deformation module with 3 vectors around the scaling center, pointing tangantially. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension of the ambiant space the deformation module will live on. sigma : float Kernel size of the underlying vector space coeff : float Coefficient of the deformation module gd : torch.Tensor Geometrical descriptor of the deformation module i.e. the rotation centers tan : torch.Tensor Tangent tensor cotan : torch.Tensor Cotangent tensor label : Optional identifier backend : str Computation backend the deformation module will """ def f_vectors_2d(gd): return torch.tensor([[-math.sin(2.*math.pi/3.*i), math.cos(2.*math.pi/3.*i)] for i in range(3)], device=gd.device, dtype=gd.dtype) def f_support_2d(gd): return gd.repeat(3, 1) + sigma/3. * torch.tensor([[math.cos(2.*math.pi/3.*i), math.sin(2.*math.pi/3.*i)] for i in range(3)], device=gd.device, dtype=gd.dtype) def f_vectors_3d(gd): tetra = torch.tensor([[1., 1., 1.], [1., -1., -1.], [-1., 1., -1.], [-1., -1., 1.]], device=gd.device, dtype=gd.dtype) vec = gd[1] - gd[0] return torch.cross(tetra, vec.repeat(4, 1)) def f_support_3d(gd): tetra = torch.tensor([[1., 1., 1.], [1., -1., -1.], [-1., 1., -1.], [-1., -1., 1.]], device=gd.device, dtype=gd.dtype) return gd[0].repeat(4, 1) + sigma/3. * tetra f_vectors = f_vectors_2d f_support = f_support_2d pts_count = 1 if dim == 3: f_vectors = f_vectors_3d f_support = f_support_3d pts_count = 2 return LocalConstrainedTranslations(dim, pts_count, sigma, "Local rotation", f_support, f_vectors, coeff=coeff, gd=gd, tan=tan, cotan=cotan, label=label, backend=backend)