Source code for Utilities.meshutils

import math

import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, Delaunay

from imodal.Kernels.kernels import K_xy

[docs]def area_side(points, **kwargs): """Marks points that are on one side of the specified separation line on the plan. Returns a torch.BoolTensor marking points that are in side **side**. The seperation line can either be specified by two points **p0** and **p1**, or by **origin** and **direction**. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. p0 : torch.Tensor First point tensor of dimension (2) defining the separation line. p1 : torch.Tensor Second point tensor of dimension (2) defining the separation line and thus its direction. origin : torch.Tensor Origin vector of dimension (2). direction : torch.Tensor Direction vector of dimension (2). side : int, either +1 or -1, default=1 +1/-1 to select points to the left/right of the separation line. intersect : bool, default=False Set this to `True` if points on the line should be accounted inside the marking region. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is at side **side** of the defined separation line. """ if 'origin' in kwargs and 'direction' in kwargs: origin = kwargs['origin'] direction = kwargs['direction'] p0 = origin p1 = origin + direction elif 'p0' in kwargs and 'p1' in kwargs: p0 = kwargs['p0'] p1 = kwargs['p1'] else: raise RuntimeError("area_side(): missing arguments, either ('origin' and 'direction') or ('p0' and 'p1)") side = 1 if 'side' in kwargs: side = kwargs['side'] intersect = False if 'intersect' in kwargs: intersect = kwargs['intersect'] if points.dim() == 1: points = points.unsqueeze(0) out = torch.empty(points.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) for i in range(points.shape[0]): result = torch.sign((p1[0] - p0[0])*(points[i][1] - p0[1]) - (p1[1] - p0[1])*(points[i][0] - p0[0])) if intersect: out[i] = (result == side) or (result == 0) else: out[i] = (result == side) return out
[docs]def area_convex_hull(points, **kwargs): """Marks points inside a computed convex hull. Returns a torch.BoolTensor marking points that are inside the convex hull of **scatter**. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. scatter : torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`M`, 2), with :math:`M` number of points, from which the convex hull will be computed. intersect : bool, default=False Set this to `True` if points on the line should be accounted inside the marking region. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the convex hull. """ if 'scatter' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_convex_hull(): missing argument 'scatter'.") scatter = kwargs['scatter'] intersect = False if 'intersect' in kwargs: intersect = kwargs['intersect'] if scatter.shape[1] == 2: convex_hull = extract_convex_hull(scatter) else: convex_hull, _ = extract_convex_hull(scatter) return area_convex_shape(points, shape=convex_hull, side=-1, intersect=intersect)
[docs]def area_convex_shape(points, **kwargs): """Marks points inside a convex shape. Returns a torch.BoolTensor marking points that are inside the convex shape **shape**. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. shape : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`M`, 2), with :math:`M` number of points, that defines the convex shape. side : either +1 or -1, default=1 If set to +1/-1 shape is defined as CW/CCW. intersect : bool, default=False Set this to `True` if points on the line should be accounted inside the marking region. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the convex hull. """ if 'shape' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_convex_shape(): missing argument 'shape'.") shape = kwargs['shape'] intersect = False if 'intersect' in kwargs: intersect = kwargs['intersect'] # TODO: generalize this for every dimensions if points.shape[1] == 3: hull = Delaunay(shape) return torch.tensor(hull.find_simplex(points) >= 0, dtype=torch.bool) # For side = 1, shape is defined CW. For side = -1, shape is defined CCW side = 1 if 'side' in kwargs: side = kwargs['side'] if not ((side == -1) or (side == 1)): raise RuntimeError("area_convex_shape(): argument 'side' either needs to be 1 (CW) or -1 (CCW).") closed = close_shape(shape) out = torch.ones(points.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) for i in range(points.shape[0]): for j in range(shape.shape[0]): if area_side(points[i], p0=closed[j], p1=closed[j+1], intersect=(not intersect), side=side): out[i] = False break return out
[docs]def area_shape(points, **kwargs): """Marks points inside a shape. Returns a torch.BoolTensor marking points that are inside the shape **shape**. Shape does not need to be convex and can overlap itself. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. shape : torch.Tensor Shape. side : either +1 or -1, default=1 If set to +1/-1 shape is defined as CW/CCW. intersect : bool, default=False Set this to `True` if points on the line should be accounted inside the marking region. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the shape. """ if 'shape' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_shape(): missing argument 'shape'.") shape = close_shape(kwargs['shape']) # side = 1, ccw # side = 0, cw side = 1 if 'side' in kwargs: side = kwargs['side'] out = torch.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) for i in range(points.shape[0]): out[i] = (winding_order(points[i], shape, side) != 0) return out
[docs]def area_polyline_outline(points, **kwargs): """Marks points that are in the neighborhood of a polyline. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. polyline : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`M`, 2), with :math:`M` number of vertices, that defines the polyline. width : float, default=0. Width of the polyline. close : bool, default=False Set to `True` in order to close the polyline. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the shape. """ if 'polyline' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_polyline_outline(): missing argument 'polyline'.") polyline = kwargs['polyline'] width = 0. if 'width' in kwargs: width = kwargs['width'] # If close is found in the arguments and if its true, we close the polyline. if 'close' in kwargs: if kwargs['close']: polyline = close_shape(polyline) out = torch.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) for i in range(points.shape[0]): is_inside = False for j in range(polyline.shape[0] - 1): if area_segment(points[i], p0=polyline[j], p1=polyline[j+1], width=width): is_inside = True break out[i] = is_inside return out
[docs]def area_disc(points, **kwargs): """Marks points that are inside the specified disc in the plan. Returns a boolean tensor. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. center : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (2) that defines the center of the disc. radius : float Radius of the disc. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the shape. """ if 'center' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_disc(): missing argument 'center'.") center = kwargs['center'] if 'radius' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_disc(): missing argument 'radius'.") radius = kwargs['radius'] return (torch.norm(points - center.unsqueeze(0).repeat(points.shape[0], 1), p=2, dim=1) <= radius).type(dtype=torch.bool)
[docs]def area_AABB(points, **kwargs): """Marks points that are inside the specified AABB in the plan. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. aabb : Utilities.AABB The AABB that marks the area. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the shape. """ if 'aabb' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_AABB(): missing argument 'aabb'.") aabb = kwargs['aabb'] return aabb.is_inside(points)
[docs]def area_segment(points, **kwargs): """Marks points that are inside the neighborhood of the specified segment in the plan. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of points, that will be marked. p0 : torch.Tensor First point defining the separation line. p1 : torch.Tensor Second point defining the separation line and thus its direction. origin : torch.Tensor Origin vector. direction : torch.Tensor Direction vector. width : torch.Tensor Width of the segment. Returns ------- torch.BoolTensor Bool tensor of dimension :math:`N`, with :math:`i` `True` if point :math:`i` is inside the shape. """ if 'origin' in kwargs and 'direction' in kwargs: origin = kwargs['origin'] direction = kwargs['direction'] p0 = origin p1 = origin + direction elif 'p0' in kwargs and 'p1' in kwargs: p0 = kwargs['p0'] p1 = kwargs['p1'] else: raise RuntimeError("area_segment(): missing arguments, either ('origin' and 'direction') or ('p0' and 'p1)") if 'width' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("area_segment(): missing argument 'width'.") width = kwargs['width'] # If there is only one point, we add a dimension if points.dim() == 1: points = points.unsqueeze(0) out = torch.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) for i in range(points.shape[0]): if distance_segment(points[i], p0, p1) <= width: out[i] = True return out
[docs]def close_shape(shape): """Returns the closed shape. Parameters ---------- shape : torch.Tensor Shape tensor of dimension (:math:`N`), with :math:`N` number of vertices, that will be closed. Returns ------- torch.Tensor The closed shape. """ return[shape, shape[0, :].view(1, -1)], dim=0)
[docs]def is_shape_closed(shape): """Returns `True` if the input shape is closed. Parameters ---------- shape : torch.Tensor Shape tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` number of vertices, that will be closed. Returns ------- bool `True` if **shape** is closed, `False` otherwise. """ return torch.all(shape[0] == shape[-1])
[docs]def distance_segment(point, p0, p1): """Returns the minimal distance between a point and a segment. Parameters ---------- point : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (2) from which distance is computed. p0 : torch.Tensor First point defining the segment. p1 : torch.Tensor Second point defining the segment. Returns ------- float The minimal distance between the point and the segment. """ dist = torch.dist(p0, p1).item()**2 if dist == 0.: return torch.dist(p0, point).item() t = max(0., min(1., - p0, p1 - p0).item()/dist)) projection = p0 + t*(p1 - p0) return torch.dist(point, projection).item()
[docs]def point_side(point, p0, p1): """Returns the side of a point relative to a line. Parameters ---------- point : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (2) from which side will be computed. p0 : torch.Tensor First point defining the line. p1 : torch.Tensor Second point defining the line, and thus it's direction. Returns ------- int -1/+1 if the point is on the left/right. 0 if the point is exactly on the line. """ return torch.sign((p1[0] - p0[0])*(point[1] - p0[1]) - (p1[1] - p0[1])*(point[0] - p0[0]))
[docs]def winding_order(point, shape, side): """Returns the winding order of a point relative to a shape. Notes ----- This function assumes the shape is closed. Parameters ---------- point : torch.Tensor Point tensor of dimension (2) around which the winding order will be computed. shape : torch.Tensor Shape tensor of dimension (:math:`N`), with :math:`N` number of vertices, from which the winding order will be computed. side : int, either +1 or -1 Set to +1/-1 if shape is defined CCW/CW. Returns ------- int The computed winding order. """ wn = 0 for i in range(shape.shape[0] - 1): if shape[i, 1] <= point[1]: if shape[i+1, 1] > point[1]: if area_side(point, p0=shape[i], p1=shape[i+1], side=side): wn = wn + 1 else: if shape[i+1, 1] <= point[1]: if area_side(point, p0=shape[i], p1=shape[i+1], side=-side): wn = wn - 1 return wn
[docs]def extract_convex_hull(points): """Extracts a convex hull from a set of points. Notes ----- The output shape in 2D is CCW defined. In 3D outputs a tuple of points and triangle list forming the convex hull. Uses Scipy internaly. Parameters ---------- points : torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, d), with :math:`N` the number of points and :math:`d` the dimension, from which the convex hull will be computed. Returns ------- torch.Tensor If in 2D, the resulting convex hull, of dimension (:math:`M`, 2), with :math:`M` the number of points the convex hull contains. If in 3D, a 2-tuple with first element representing the points of the convex hull of dimension (:math:`M`, 3), with :math:`M` the number of points the convex hull contains and a list of 3-tuple representing the faces of the hull. """ if isinstance(points, np.ndarray): hull = ConvexHull(points) elif isinstance(points, torch.Tensor): hull = ConvexHull(points.numpy()) else: raise ValueError("extract_convex_hull(): points data array type {arraytype} not understood!".format(arraytype=type(points))) if points.shape[1] == 2: return points[hull.vertices] elif points.shape[1] == 3: return points[hull.vertices], hull.simplices else: return ValueError
[docs]def fill_area_uniform(area, enclosing_aabb, spacing, **kwargs): """Uniformly fills a 2D area enclosed given by a callable. The area callable should have the following signature: Parameters ---------- area : callable Callable defining the area that will be filled. enclosing_aabb : Utilities.AABB Bounding box enclosing the `area` callable function. spacing : float Distance between points. kwargs : dict Arguments passed to the `area` callable function. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` the number of points. """ grid = enclosing_aabb.fill_uniform_spacing(spacing) return grid[area(grid, **kwargs)]
[docs]def fill_area_uniform_density(area, enclosing_aabb, density, **kwargs): """Fill a 2D area enclosed by aabb given by the area function uniformly. Parameters ---------- area : callable Callable defining the area that will be filled. enclosing_aabb : Utilities.AABB AABB. density : float Density of points. kwargs : dict Arguments passed to the area function. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` the number of points. """ return fill_area_uniform(area, enclosing_aabb, 1./math.sqrt(density), **kwargs)
[docs]def fill_area_random(area, aabb, N, **kwargs): """Randomly fill a 2D area enclosed by aabb given by the area function. The random process follows a Poisson distribution. Sampling is done using a rejection sampling algorithm. Parameters ---------- area : callable Callable defining the area that will be filled. enclosing_aabb : Utilities.AABB Bounding box enclosing the `area` callable function. N : int Number of points to generate. kwargs : dictpp Arguments passed to the area function. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` the number of points. """ points = torch.zeros(N, 2) for i in range(0, N): accepted = False while(not accepted): point = aabb.fill_random(1) if torch.all(area(point, **kwargs)): accepted = True points[i, :] = point return points
[docs]def fill_area_random_density(area, aabb, density, **kwargs): """Randomly fill a 2D area enclosed by aabb given by the area function. The random process follows a Poisson distribution. Sampling is done using a rejection sampling algorithm. Parameters ---------- area : callable Callable defining the area that will be filled. enclosing_aabb : Utilities.AABB Bounding box enclosing the `area` callable function. density : int Density of points to generate. kwargs : dict Arguments passed to the area function. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Points tensor of dimension (:math:`N`, 2), with :math:`N` the number of points. """ return fill_area_random(area, aabb, int(aabb.area * density), **kwargs)
[docs]def compute_centers_normals_lengths(vertices, faces): """ """ v0, v1, v2 = vertices.index_select(0, faces[:, 0]), vertices.index_select(0, faces[:, 1]), vertices.index_select(0, faces[:, 2]) centers = 0.5 * (v0 + v1 + v2) normals = 0.5 * torch.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0) lengths = (normals**2).sum(dim=1)[:, None].sqrt() return centers, normals, lengths
[docs]def kernel_smooth(points, kernel): """ """ K = kernel(points, points) return, points)/torch.sum(K, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
[docs]def gaussian_kernel_smooth(points, sigma): """ """ return kernel_smooth(points, lambda x, y: K_xy(x, y, sigma))
[docs]def resample_curve(curve, density): """ """ if curve.shape[0] <= 1: return curve lengths = torch.norm(curve[1:] - close_shape(curve)[:-2], dim=1) length = torch.sum(lengths) out = torch.zeros(math.floor(length*density), curve.shape[1]) interval = 1./density p0 = curve[0] p1 = curve[1] cur_length = 0. length_index = 0 for i in range(0, out.shape[0]): t = (cur_length-torch.sum(lengths[:length_index]))*lengths[length_index] out[i] = t*p1 - p0 cur_length = cur_length + interval if cur_length >= torch.sum(lengths[:length_index]): p0 = p1 p1 = curve[length_index+2] length_index = length_index + 1 return out