Source code for imodal.HamiltonianDynamic.shooting

import torch
from torch.autograd import grad
from torchdiffeq import odeint as odeint
from torchdiffeq._impl.odeint import SOLVERS as torchdiffeq_solvers

[docs]def shoot(h, solver, it, controls=None, intermediates=None, t1=1.): """ Shoot the hamiltonian system. integrate ODE, associe a gd et mom initiaux la trajectoire lien article. minimisation energie definit par le modele. obtient trajectoire minimisante. Parameters ---------- h : HamiltonianDynamic.Hamiltonian The hamiltonian system that will be shot. it : int The number of iterations the solver will do. solver : str Numerical scheme that will be used to integrate the system. Supported solvers are : * 'torch_euler' : Euler scheme The following solvers uses torchdiffeq : * 'euler' : Euler scheme * 'midpoint' : RK2 scheme * 'rk4' : RK$ scheme controls : iterable, default=None Optional iterable of tensors representing the controls at each step that will be filled to the deformation module. **controls** has to be of length **it**. Each element `i` of **controls** has to be an iterable of size **len(h.module.modules)** each element `j` representing the controls given to the module `j` of **h.module**. intermediates : dict, default=None Dictionnary that will be filled with intermediate states and controls. """ assert isinstance(intermediates, dict) or intermediates is None if solver == "torch_euler": _shoot_euler(h, solver, it, controls=controls, intermediates=intermediates) elif solver in torchdiffeq_solvers: _shoot_torchdiffeq(h, solver, it, controls=controls, intermediates=intermediates, t1=t1) else: raise NotImplementedError("shoot(): {solver} solver not implemented!".format(solver=solver))
def _shoot_euler(h, solver, it, controls, intermediates): step = 1. / it if intermediates is not None: intermediates['states'] = [h.module.manifold.clone(requires_grad=False)] intermediates['controls'] = [] for i in range(it): if controls is not None: h.module.fill_controls(controls[i]) else: h.geodesic_controls() l = [*h.module.manifold.unroll_gd(), *h.module.manifold.unroll_cotan()] delta = list(grad(h(), l, create_graph=True, allow_unused=True)) # Nulls are replaced by zero tensors for i in range(len(delta)): if delta[i] is None: delta[i] = torch.zeros_like(l[i]) # Extract gradients and multiply them by the step d_gd = list(map(lambda x: -step*x, delta[:int(len(delta)/2)])) d_mom = list(map(lambda x: step*x, delta[int(len(delta)/2):])) # Roll them back rolled_d_gd = h.module.manifold.roll_gd(d_gd) rolled_d_mom = h.module.manifold.roll_cotan(d_mom) # Add them h.module.manifold.add_gd(rolled_d_mom) h.module.manifold.add_cotan(rolled_d_gd) if intermediates is not None: intermediates['states'].append(h.module.manifold.clone(requires_grad=False)) intermediates['controls'].append(list(map(lambda x: x.detach().clone(), h.module.controls))) def _shoot_torchdiffeq(h, solver, it, controls, intermediates, t1=1.): # Wrapper class used by TorchDiffEq # Returns (\partial H \over \partial p, -\partial H \over \partial q) class TorchDiffEqHamiltonianGrad(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, h, intermediates=None, controls=None): self.h = h self.intermediates = intermediates self.controls = controls = 0 def __call__(self, t, x): with torch.enable_grad(): # Fill manifold out of the flattened state vector gd, mom = [], [] index = 0 for m in self.h.module: for i in range(m.manifold.len_gd): gd.append(x[0][index:index+m.manifold.numel_gd[i]].view(m.manifold.shape_gd[i]).requires_grad_()) mom.append(x[1][index:index+m.manifold.numel_gd[i]].view(m.manifold.shape_gd[i]).requires_grad_()) index = index + m.manifold.numel_gd[i] self.h.module.manifold.fill_gd(self.h.module.manifold.roll_gd(gd)) self.h.module.manifold.fill_cotan(self.h.module.manifold.roll_cotan(mom)) # If controls are provided, use them, else we compute the geodesic controls. if self.controls is not None: self.h.module.fill_controls(self.controls[]) else: self.h.geodesic_controls() if self.intermediates is not None: self.intermediates['controls'].append(list(map(lambda x: x.detach().clone(), self.h.module.controls))) l = [*self.h.module.manifold.unroll_gd(), *self.h.module.manifold.unroll_cotan()] delta = list(grad(h(), l, create_graph=True, allow_unused=True)) # Nulls are replaced by zero tensors for i in range(len(delta)): if delta[i] is None: delta[i] = torch.zeros_like(l[i]) gd_out = delta[:int(len(delta)/2)] mom_out = delta[int(len(delta)/2):] = + 1 return x: x.flatten(), [*mom_out, *list(map(lambda x: -x, gd_out))])), dim=0).view(2, -1) steps = it + 1 if intermediates is not None: intermediates['controls'] = [] init_manifold = h.module.manifold.clone() gradH = TorchDiffEqHamiltonianGrad(h, intermediates, controls) x_0 = x: x.flatten(), [*gradH.h.module.manifold.unroll_gd(), *gradH.h.module.manifold.unroll_cotan()])), dim=0).view(2, -1) x_1 = odeint(gradH, x_0, torch.linspace(0., t1, steps), method=solver) # Retrieve shot manifold out of the flattened state vector gd, mom = [], [] index = 0 for m in h.module: for i in range(m.manifold.len_gd): gd.append(x_1[-1, 0, index:index+m.manifold.numel_gd[i]].view(m.manifold.shape_gd[i])) mom.append(x_1[-1, 1, index:index+m.manifold.numel_gd[i]].view(m.manifold.shape_gd[i])) index = index + m.manifold.numel_gd[i] h.module.manifold.fill_gd(h.module.manifold.roll_gd(gd)) h.module.manifold.fill_cotan(h.module.manifold.roll_cotan(mom)) if intermediates is not None: intermediates['states'] = [] for i in range(0, steps): gd, mom = [], [] index = 0 for m in h.module: for j in range(m.manifold.len_gd): gd.append(x_1[i, 0, index:index+m.manifold.numel_gd[j]].detach().view(m.manifold.shape_gd[j])) mom.append(x_1[i, 1, index:index+m.manifold.numel_gd[j]].detach().view(m.manifold.shape_gd[j])) index = index + m.manifold.numel_gd[j] state = init_manifold.clone() state.fill_gd(state.roll_gd(gd)) state.fill_cotan(state.roll_cotan(mom)) intermediates['states'].append(state)